Prefab Wall Panelizing - The DIY Owner Builder's Advantage

The do-it-yourself home builder needs every advantage he can get. For some, the biggest advantage might be to streamline the home's framing process.

A Good Framing Job is Critical in Home Building

Don't overlook the need for high quality when it comes to framing. In my years as a home building coach, I emphasized the need for a strong, well-designed framing job. Here are a few reasons that great framing is so critical:

Strength of your structure: You start with a good foundation. But, the benefits of a good strong foundation are lost if the framing job is sub-par and weak. Achieving square, straight, and level: A home that isn't square, straight and level is going to reek havoc when it comes to laying floors, tile, cabinets, dry-wall and even when placing furniture. It can also greatly lengthen the time it takes to build. Framed to accept insulation: Proper framing allows for easy installation of insulation in the most efficient manner. Subtle deficiencies in framing can undermine the entire insulation job. The right materials for framing: You have choices. Wood stick framing, steel framing, SIP panel framing are just some of your options. As a do-it-yourselfer, do you know how to frame with your choice of materials? Panelized Wall Systems

Prefab wall framing could be the solution for the DIY home builder who is not a framing expert. The do-it-yourselfer needs to pick and choose the labor he'll perform himself. If you have some experience with building, yet are not well-versed in the best framing techniques, pre-framed wall systems can help a lot.

Typically, panelizing companies will ship wall sections to your job site in manageable sizes of five to 12 feet in length on average. These wall sections have door and window headers already installed. You'll have a schematic that shows where everything goes with proper identification on each panel for placement.

Choose Your Panelization Company Well

It's an absolute must to inspect the company who'll be making your walls. If you don't have the experience yourself, have a framing contractor inspect their work before you choose the supplier.

The main two reasons for using panelized walls are to save time and ensure quality. Demand quality. Your house depends on it.

Assembly Required

Despite the fact you have panelized, pre-framed walls, they still have to be erected and connected properly. I always advise my clients to have at least one experienced framer either on คอนโดมือสอง พระราม 9 the job or on call.

As a DIY home builder, use your time wisely. Don't do things that you're not familiar with. And make sure that your framing job is top notch.