Is It Really a Shortcut to Skip Taking Real Estate Investment Courses Before You Take Action?

So you've decided to pass on taking any real estate investment courses. Instead, you're reading books, lurking in forums, and trying to glean all ทาวน์โฮมมือสอง ราคาถูก the info you can from online articles. Courses cost money, after all. Why would you need to have someone instruct you on something that you can just read about on your own? You feel you are ready to take the first step into the world of flipping houses.

Cool beans? Or a huge misstep?

You're displaying honorable resourcefulness, exceptional bravery, and possible stupidity. Your shortcut just became the long way around. (Sorry, but someone had to tell you.) You may be about to make a very costly mistake, all in the name of avoiding paying for solid advice.

Maybe you know enough to be dangerous. Some parts of your plan are right on - but there's a significant flaw that'll cost you dearly.

You're going into wholesaling, which will give you the opportunity to make a number of small sales while still maintain your current full-time job. You're thinking if you take it slow, that'll allow you to pay your current bills while also being able to save money that will be used toward one big deal, the one where you can make, $40,000, instead of $4,000. You're likely planning on advertising or a bulk mail campaign to gather leads. Then there are rehabbers who you can assign the house to, who'll take on the responsibility of repairs and renovations. You will just need to get the listings.

There's an irony you need to understand, before it bites you.

It's just as expensive, just as much work, just as risky to do a deal that nets you a small profit as it is to do one that slingshots you past your goal.

Big deal or little, there will be an investment, the amount depending on which form of advertising you use, direct mail or put out one advertisement for yourself, or maybe both. For example if you send out 20,000 direct mail advertisements you will need to purchase the mailing list, pay for production, and of course cough up the money for postage. Let's estimate that out of that 20,000 you get twenty-five responses. Now those 25 responses need to be followed up. 25 phone calls, 25 e-mails, 25 appointments, and 25 bids. Next step will be finding the rehabbers who you will assign the homes to. The whole process is a workable plan. It also requires a great deal of time and effort.

Isn't your ideal goal a bigger payday?

Remember what you don't get to keep all of the money you make. Think about how long it will take you to get that nest egg you are working toward so you can make that one big deal. Think about the amount of work involved if you continue down this path. Pretty sure the math is going to work out that the amount of time invested and your final financial pay off will not be even. Your payday will have you rethinking your process and thinking there has got to be an easier way.

If you'd taken a house flipping course and invested in a coach to guide you, you'd see that you could make that big sale with much less effort. You'd have your goals mapped out to get you where you want to go faster.

It may be time to rewrite that business plan with a path that will bring you to the big money, faster. Choosing real estate courses that align with a smarter timeline mean you'll learn the step-by-step process to achieve your dream in a shorter amount of time. Like ripping a Band-Aid from a healed wound, making money in real estate is and easier and less painful when you do it quickly. No better way to make good decisions, faster, than by having confidence you're going the right direction. No easier way to gain that confidence than by joining one of the best real estate courses you can find.