The Curse of the Quotes Culture - Get Me A Quote!

<a href="ตึกแถวและอาคารพาณิชย์/" alt="อาคารพาณิชย์">อาคารพาณิชย์ ราคาถูก</a>    <p> Requesting quotations from tradespeople avoids receiving budget bursting invoices - it is also important to stay within a landlord client's cleared funds, especially for larger jobs. However, for small works, particularly within short time frames, e.g. during academic vacations, quotes are likely to delay start and completion dates. Further, tradespeople are normally extremely busy working overtime to complete other client's work. Unlike large-scale projects, small works can cost much more, merely by requesting quotations. It is often more propitious to simply trust both the letting agent's discretion; as well as any trusted contractor to quickly attend to small jobs and await a retrospective invoice. </p><p> Many busy trades' people are disinclined to quote at all. During busy seasons, overworked contractors perceive requests for quotes for small works as miserly, as well as indicative of slow payers likely to seek rouses to avoid payment. Landlords with insufficient funds may trot out the mantra 'get me a quote', simply to delay authorising works. This buys disingenuous landlords some time until funds are available. Alternatively, landlords incapable of making decisions, may use quotes to delay doing anything. Fortunately only a minority of landlords fit this description. Demanding to know the cost of minutiae worth less than an agent's time to procure, betrays scant regard for an agent's time. The 80:20 rule generally applies, with 80% of an agent's time spent on 20% of such landlord's properties. </p><p> What is seldom appreciated, when requesting quotes, is the time lost by busy contractors to: collect keys, attend a property, find and pay for a parking space, take notes, return keys to the agent, drive back to a contractor's home/office, type up a quotation and send it to the letting agent. Contractors deduce that there are at least two other contractors repeating the same exercise for the same work. So with only a 1:3 chance of securing the work, tradespeople avoid wasting time providing fee quotations, especially when the last thing they need is yet more work. </p><p> Often it is only a contractor's loyalty to a letting agent that induces them to engage in the quotes culture. Logically, why would contractors: leave paid work, to give a free quote, for work of potentially lower value, than that lost on work they postpone, to quote for work they do not need, to indulge a landlord unlikely to use their services? Contractors rightly resent losing money with such poor odds of success. Contractor quoted prices often betray the hidden cost of providing "free quotes". </p><p> Ironically, having secured 3 quotes, landlords often instruct a friend, possibly at "mate's rates", evading tax and VAT, to facilitate work costing less than the lowest quote. Diminutive savings gained by landlords seldom compare with the huge cost of a letting agent's lost administrative time. Some contractors refuse to quote for such landlords. Who can blame them? Likewise agents avoid such landlord business. </p><p> Arranging three quotations often results in only two being provided within say a week. So additional quotes are required and the farce continues. </p><p> Most tenant requests for maintenance and related complaints could be quickly resolved by immediately authorising work. Tenants may have postponed arrival dates prior to completion of upgraded properties. Further delays result in compensation claims! Any opportunity to avert such claims could be lost due to delays procuring quotes. Meantime, tenants could abandon a tenancy and report defective property conditions to authorities. Tenants might also demand refunds of any advanced rent. Getting a contractor to just go and do the most important work would likely avoid further complaints. </p><p> Rather than indulging requests for quotes, it is often more prudent to provide landlords with indicative costs, based on similar recent works. Letting agents are not permitted to instruct works for which they do not hold cleared funds (i.e. unlicensed money lending). Agents must take care not to authorise works that could exceed cleared funds. </p><p> Landlord inaction merely fuels tenant compensation claims. Get a quote; get a claim! </p>