Design Your Home to Resist Fire

Building a new home from scratch gives homeowners the flexibility to include various features that are extremely beneficial in the long run. One such aspect that can be taken care of during the ทาวน์เฮ้าส์มือสอง รัชดา design stage itself is fire resistant design.

There are some measure and guidelines that help homeowners to build strong homes that are resistant to fire.

Use non-combustible material for internal frames Non-combustible material such as fiber cement, brick, stone and steel can be used to construct external walls. These materials are more affordable than traditional materials and are easy to procure and assemble. But they also have a lot of resistance in case there is a fire.

Keep the design simple If the shape of the roof or the house itself is complicated it generally offers more places for embers to get into and stay inside. Try and minimize on the areas of the roof that are likely to accumulate embers by sealing the eaves and installing gutter guards that are non-combustible.

Paint pergolas and decking with fireproof paint Pergolas and decking are often made from highly inflammable traditional timber. You can paint these structures with a paint that is fire-retardant, which will greatly decrease the likelihood that the wood ignites in case fire breaks out. It also pays to position Pergolas and decking structurally away from home.

Seal windows and doors By sealing the frames of doors and windows, you are reducing the risk of embers getting into your home in case there is a fire. Homes that is well-sealed is very effective when it comes to withstanding fire.

Non-combustible fire shutters made out of aluminum, bronze or steel are used on all windows and doors in areas where the fire risk is extremely high.

Maintain gardens Plants that are dry or have a tendency to get dry very quick are not recommended for a garden, especially in bushfire-prone areas. Select plants that are high-water-bearing and resistant to fire. Since these plants have higher levels of water content, they may prevent fire from spreading quickly. You can also keep the surroundings wet to keep the plant bed moist. If you install a sprinkler system in the garden it can be kept damp and it will reduce the intensity of fire in case one breaks out.

No clutter in the gutter Dry leaves, seeds and branches that are carried by the wind are highly inflammable natural materials. They may become embedded in the gutter. You may place non-combustible mesh over the gutter to avoid flammable and decaying plants and leaves.

Do not forget routine maintenance Even if you install all the fire resistant fittings in your home, if they're not in working condition they serve no purpose. Ensure routine maintenance so that all fire-resistant fittings are in perfect working condition. Routine maintenance is especially important in areas that are prone to bushfire.