House Hunting Checklist: Choose the House That Is Right for You

Looking around your potential home can be very exciting and overwhelming; thus, it is only normal to forget certain details. Did it have a public bathroom? How many bedrooms did it have? Was the basement in good condition? If you are house hunting, it is advisable to take a checklist with you to help you evaluate the house and remember important details.

When house hunting, you need to do some research. The first thing you need to do before you start visiting houses, is to get pre-approved for a loan. As a first ทาวน์เฮ้าส์มือสอง รัชดา time homebuyer, you need to know your budget and be well-informed to reduce stress and anxieties when you finally need to make a home purchase. In addition, you also need to create a comprehensive list of what you want, and what you don't want in your home. Prioritize the list and take it with you when visiting open houses.

Neighborhood and Community

It is essential to look into the community of your potential home. Are the neighbors friendly? Do they participate in social activities? Do you see kids playing outside?

You also have to evaluate whether the property is conveniently located. Although there are some homebuyers who prefer to live in a quiet and secluded area, many others prefer to live near business establishments, schools, and public market. This makes it easy for them to commute and get to the place where they need to be. In addition, you also have to check the crime rate in the community to determine whether it is a safe neighborhood.

Home Interior and Exterior Inspection

Bathrooms and Kitchen : You must inspect whether the faucets are mildew- and mold-free and if it has any leaks. It is also advantageous if the bathrooms and kitchen already have room for storage, such as cabinets and cupboards. Make sure that the bathroom has a functional toilet and fans.

Rooms : Do the rooms have even flooring? Do they receive enough natural light? Are they located in a private location? These are some of the things you need to consider when looking into each room of the house.

Flooring, Windows, and Ceiling : Inspect the condition of the flooring, windows, and ceiling. This will help you determine whether it needs to be repaired or renovated. It is also advisable to bring a home inspector with you if you plan to inspect the entire house.

System : Make sure that the heating, cooling, electrical and plumbing system works. Determine if everything is up-to-date. Again, a professional home inspector can help check everything before you make a purchase.

Foundation and Siding : Check for any damage in the house foundation. In addition, you must also check the sidings if there are any holes, cracks, or if the paint is peeling.

Pests : Look for signs of infestation, such as termites, roaches, and rodents.

This checklist will help alleviate the stress that usually accompanies house hunting. Organizing and making sure that you evaluate every home that grabs your attention will help you keep track of all the properties you have visited. In doing so, you can properly compare each home and determine which one will best suit your needs and preferences.