Does Rent To Own Really Work And Does It Create A Win Win Scenario?

When we first came across the Rent to Own concept we were not completely sold on it. Why would we want to sell our house a few years from now?? The more we investigated this investment approach, the more it made sense to be involved in this strategy.

When we first started our venture into Real Estate investing we experienced what a number of investors experienced...the challenges of being a landlord. Lots of phone calls, lawn cutting, snow removal and a number of other factors that kept us from expanding our portfolio. I always knew that Real Estate investing was the best way to acquire wealth, we just needed a better plan. While browsing through the internet and searching for topics such as 'a better way to invest' or 'I don't want to be a landlord' we came across the Rent to Own approach. Literally in 2 shorts years this ideal has changed our lives, our investors lives and our tenants lives.

To us the most important factor with this program was helping families that deserved the help. Instead of just renting your home out, you now put yourself in a position to help another family while also helping yourself...a win win scenario. What we were doing was putting families into a home versus putting them into a property. By doing this, we were creating pride of home ownership for the home our tenants were in. They maintained our home as if it was theirs and completed their own repairs on the property since they knew they were going to own the home in a few years.

Now for anyone that have rentals properties, you can appreciate the value of time and the headache's that some tenants can create. When your tenants are maintaining your property by cutting the lawn อสังหาริมทรัพย์ and doing the snow removal this puts you back in control of your time, your money and also allows you to focus on being an investor rather than a landlord.

Rent to Own works in any economy. It doesn't matter what's going on in the economy, Rent to Own works!! If the economy is bad, people have financial concerns and this strategy allows them to get into a home while prices are low. When the economy is doing well and home prices are soaring RTO gives families a chance to get into home ownership if they weren't able to get approved through the normal bank conventional way.

Another great protection to you is knowing what your buyout price is going to be in the future by setting the price today.

Rent to Own helps you generate higher cash-flow on a month to month basis and gives your tenants a chance at home ownership.

There are a number of other great benefits Rent to Own has to offer on both sides.

Here's the bottom line. If you had to pick from the two choices below, what would you prefer...Landlord or Investor? Renter or Future Homeowner? The choice is yours, but it you create a win win scenario, everyone wins and that is what makes the difference.