Improvements That Can Help You Sell Your Home Fast

Selling your home can take a while, especially in a sluggish market. However, there are some things that you can do to make sure that your home sells quickly.

If It Is Broken, Fix It

Many people sell their home "as is". While this is certainly less work for the seller, it may not be appealing to home buyers. Buyers pay attention to details as well as big ticket items. While you may not think twice about having your carpet cleaned or replaced before showing your home, you may overlook the small details.

The broken door latch, ripped screen, or missing shingles actually do matter. Prospective buyers will notice the fact that your home is not maintained. They may wonder about what other home maintenance tasks have been neglected. For example, is the furnace functioning properly? What about the septic tank?

Buyers Tend To Over-Estimate Repair Costs

According to statistics, buyers tend to inflate the cost of home repairs. For example, a buyer may estimate that it will cost twice as much to fix the broken septic system as it really will cost.

Buyers on a tight budget may pass over a home that has a number of things to be fixed. This is simply because such buyers may not be able to afford closing costs as well as home repairs. If you can not repair high cost items in your home, you may consider lowering your asking price or paying for closing costs.

Most Buyers Want A Home In Mint Condition

The reality is that most buyers want to purchase a home in mint or nearly mint condition. This means that they will simply have to move into the home.

As an example, let's consider a home I was trying to help sell a year ago. The trim on the storage shed was dirty and peeling. I suggested to the homeowner that the trim should be repainted before the home was listed for sale. The owner refused and said that he would rather negotiate the listing price rather than repair the trim.

How Poor Maintenance Can Affect The Sale Of Your Home

One particular ตึกแถว กรุงเทพ couple came to visit the home three times, but had not yet made an offer. When I spoke to their agent, she admitted that the storage shed trim was a huge drawback for this couple. At that point, I got several quotes from painters in the area and my client agreed to lower the price of the house.

While the home was eventually sold, it did take quite a while to sell. A number of prospective buyers toured the house and never asked for a second showing. The couple that bought the house would have made an offer after the first showing if the trim had been in good condition. The reality was that the trim affected the sale of this home.

The point of this story is to show sellers that the condition of your home does matter. Fix what needs to be fixed before you decide to sell your home!

Proper Maintenance Can Help Sell Your Home

Properly maintaining your home and repairing broken items will help to sell your home quickly. In addition, you will probably get better offers than you would have if your home was not in mint condition.

Selling your home can take time, but the improvements that you make before listing your home can make quite a bit of a difference.