Straight Scoop About Real Estate Investing

With so much hype and exaggeration about the wonders of real estate investing, it can be difficult for you to know what is real - and what is fantasy.

In fact, it can be downright disheartening when the reality doesn't live up to the hype leaving you frustrated and stressed out.

I know, because I've been there. So I'm going to set the record straight and give you the real scoop about our business.

It is not as easy as they would have you believe.

If you buy into the do no work, sit by the beach, push 2 buttons on your laptop and watch the dollars pour into your bank account hype, then you are going to be sorely disappointed.

You must know in your heart of hearts that can not and does not exist.

What Is True is that with some decent knowledge; some steady action; and a relatively small investment in your business, you can generate a steady stream of large cash transactions.

The first six months are probably the most frustrating and therefore have the highest risk of drop-out. But if you are willing to keep taking strategic action, and do the things that are needed, you can do your first of many deals and make thousands.

In the following months, just replicate and refine and soon you'll be doing one or more deals every month earning in the tens of thousands a month. With just a little effort in the right manner, you should easily be able to earn $100,000 or more a year working part time hours.

How many business opportunities do you know of where you can invest just a small amount of time and money and generate such large returns? Most businesses fail in the first year (true of real estate investing as well since most quit before they ever get off the ground).

Of the general businesses that survive, they are lucking to break even in 3-5 years and then start making a profit. With real estate investing, you'll break even in your first 1-2 deals; and then enjoy almost pure profits.

Why? Because the costs are so low compared to the high dollar transactions. Overhead and fixed costs are almost non-existent. The only real cost you have is marketing which one it is established, will run 10-12% of your revenue. Everything else is your salary and dividends.

Sure, as you grow larger, you may want to bring on some assistance, but then your revenues will be much greater so the additional costs are easily absorbed.

Bottom line... don't get sucked into the myth of: do nothing & become rich. This is a business and you should treat it as such. คอนโด ลาดพร้าว Get educated and learn the business and how it works from someone reputable. Then lay out a plan and follow-through and stay focused. Do not chase the next shiny object you see. Do your research. Pick a course of action, and make it work. Then you can add something new to your business.

Commit to your success!

The rewards are phenomenal; so give it the effort it deserves. If you're working a job, you're already giving the effort... to someone else! Do this for you!

In the beginning you'll be confused; you'll be frustrated; you'll face challenges and obstacles. None of this should be seen as failure. It is the natural course of events. Find someone who can guide and mentor you; and stay the course. Be willing to face the challenges head on.

I promise you that within a few short months of steadily working your business, you will not just see incredible results, you'll realize ho easy it has become for you.

Expect abundance,

Lou Castillo