Reasons to Choose Building a House Over Buying a House

Most people at some point in their lives will spend time walking through prospective homes that they have at some point or another, considered buying. I still remember the last time my wife and I were hunting for our very first home. We had considered the two options of buying an established home or building our first home. Being in the home building industry would make building less daunting for us than most people, however we chose to buy established. There are reasons why you should consider building over buying established and this list will help you decide which option is right for you.

Buying an Established home

When buying an established home you are accepting a home that will provide you with the template for your immediate and short term lifestyle needs. It's often the case when you walk into a home that is for sale that you will find someone else's tastes on show, and often it's a real eye opener! I'm still amazed at what some people consider tasteful! I can recall one home that had a shrine of mystical creatures set up in their lounge room with two daybeds positioned carefully so the owners could admire it. How Bizarre! Older homes also were built and suited for the era they were created in. Formal lounge and dining areas are a thing of the past, will this suit you today?

You have to accept you are buying someone else's dream, and trying to make it your own. The following considerations should be taken into account;

Overall house design;

Are there enough bedrooms and bathrooms of sufficient size? Are the living areas sufficient for the number of people who will live in the home? What about entertaining areas? Is the kitchen large enough and have enough storage

Additional Costs;

Is the home or garden in poor condition where a lot of maintenance is required, costing both time and money? Are you going to need to spend a lot of time redecorating to make the home comfortable for you to live in? Is there room to remodel the house if needed? Remember stamp duty costs and conveyance fees.

Purchase Price;

An established home is far easier to consider all costs before making an offer. What you see will be what you get.

Building a new home

Building has the very real immediate advantage of getting the home that is exactly to your requirements. You're no longer living in someone else's dream, you are realising your own. Architectural style, lifestyle and tastes are all incorporated to your liking. One important consideration here is how home design has evolved. If you build today you are considering the environment, and the solar passive elements of the home. You're probably going to have open plan living, with great room interaction which enhances your lifestyle.

Overall house design;

There are many display homes available to inspect A custom home design could be created which may further meet your needs You can also build for the future, extra space and room is far cheaper when built in ทาวน์เฮ้าส์มือสอง ดินแดง a new home when compared to renovating. Additional Costs; Site costs and finishing costs will need to be included in your building budget. Be sure to allow enough budget to finish the home off. Many people think that extra money will come in later that will help with the finishing costs. Don't make the mistake of moving into your home with too much left to complete as you may get caught not having enough funds.

Purchase Price;

When considering building, have a finished price in mind and work backwards in your calculations. The average house will need $50,000 to complete above the base house cost. For a much higher finish you may need to allow $150,000. Do your homework first then you won't overspend on the building itself.

There's a third option available for those with a healthy budget. Purchase an existing house and knock it down and rebuild. This gives the best of both worlds for the lucky people involved. You can enter a well established area, full of services and with a good reputation, then build your dream home. Demolition is often cheaper than most think as demolition contractors salvage most of the building materials which offsets their price. Again, be sure you can afford to accomplish your plans and you'll be living the dream.

Having bought an existing home and also having built a home I will say that there is a sense of satisfaction and pride the comes with each. However, building a custom home has a longer sense of fulfilment simply due to the fact that everything is your own choice, to your taste, circumstances and lifestyle. That simple sense of satisfaction makes putting your head on your pillow at night all that more enjoyable.