Steps to Buy a House in Costa Rica

To buy a house is an adventure; buying a house in another country is a roller coaster ride! But with some good advice and tips about real estate, you'll be fine.

Costa Rica is one of the American's favourite about real estate. Just a look at how much expats are here, some from Germany, Canada, USA, China, Swiss, Francia etc. You'll see many expat restaurant and hotel owners.

It is essential you find the right agent and obtain the right advice from the beginning. The first thing you must do is to read a lot about it. Knowing where to buy and when is the key. Also, you have to know real estate laws.

But why Costa Rica?

Well, because its stable democracy is over 100 years old and there is no standing army. You can enjoy peaceful eco-lifestyle, wonderful climate, very good schools, quality Costa Rican healthcare system, and of course, tropical climate all year-long. Like the Canadian expat I am, one tip I can give you is to see Costa Rica before you move in, if it's possible. And also, renting a house or an apartment for a while, near the city you want to invest.

That way, it will give you a clue about what's great and what's not. You'll be able to see by yourself and it is 100 times better than to trust anyone else. One more tip: never rush into เช่าคอนโด พระราม 9 buying something.

Remember: you don't have to rush, take your time! Costa Rica like all countries and people is evolving and you will not know what you really want until you have spent months here. That's why renting is so valuable.

You'll also have to define what you need and what you want. Once a property has been identified, contact a reputable real estate attorney. So, here's the summary about the basic steps you'll have to do:

Step 1: Sign an Option to Purchase with Seller.

Step 2: Deposit 5-10% of the purchase price with Escrow Company,or approved attorney's escrow account, or in some 100% safe cases-directly with the Seller.

Step 3: Title research performed by an approved Notary Public-Lawyer and/or Title Company attorneys.

Step 4: Closing with final transfer of funds, execution of Transfer Deed, Endorsement of Shares and/or Mortgage Deed.

Step 5: Register new owner with Public Registry (Registro Nacional). In about 6 weeks, receive official Title and guaranty (if purchased).

Costa Rica is a wonderful, peaceful and stable country, experience life at it's best! With the help of an experimented Costa Rica real estate agent, your dream can become true!