Save Money And Time With House And Land Packages

We live in an era of one stop shopping. If superstores get any larger, everyone will have to do their shopping on roller skates or with a GPS system mounted on their shopping cart. Yet the convenience of making a single stop outweighs any potential drawbacks to the experience. In addition, these huge retail outlets generally manage to offer significant savings over the old-fashioned method of buying one item here and another item over there. The package deal generally saves both time and money. The same is also true of home and land packages.

Of course there are people who think that they can shop around and save a few dollars here and there by buying their own land and selecting their own subcontractors to build the home of their dreams, but these people fall into two categories. There are those who used to be contractors themselves, who understand what they are getting into, and those who are in for a long series of very expensive surprises.

To begin with, a house cannot be built off a pencil drawing made on the back of a napkin. It requires a set of approved blueprints with a professional engineer's stamp on it. There are endless permitting requirements and arcane tests such as soil percolation and ground stability to be carried out by very well paid professionals.

After all this is finally done and construction begins, a homeowner might prefer hiring a single licensed and insured contractor, or he can pay a series of guys in pickup trucks who may or may not know what they are doing, may or may not have insurance, and may or may not disappear in the middle of the project. If something does go wrong in such a situation, the difficulties in establishing legal culpability may foil any attempt at recovering damages in court.

Unless one is a veteran tradesman who has a lot of capable friends in the business, the hassle and potential risk of things going wrong is nowhere close to คอนโดมือสอง ดินแดง being worth the headaches that will most likely crop up during the process. If you have a plot of land and a design upon which you have set your heart, by all means drop it in the lap of a reputable builder and let him have the ulcers that come with any large construction project.

If you only have a vague idea of what you are looking for, then shop around. Visit model homes and new lots for sale. The chances are pretty good that you will find something that is even better than what you think you want. No matter which way you go, however, take advantage of the package deal and the one stop shopping. Decide what you want, settle on a price, and drive by every day to see how fast your dream home goes up. You will save time, money, and blood pressure pills by letting the experts do their thing. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, you could possibly end up with a project that is so badly planned and executed that the local building department might refuse an occupancy permit for your new home. They can even insist upon it being torn down. Be smart and avoid the many hidden pitfalls of being your own contractor.