Adding On To A House Made Easy

There are many things to consider when adding on to a house. It is a very stressful process if attempted without a plan and a contractor. With any addition there are steps to follow and budgets to be kept to keep adding on to your home a smooth event. No one wants to end up like they do in "The Money Pit" where Tom Hanks and Shelley Long are hopelessly wrapped up in home improvement renovations that their life together falls apart. Any project needs a good start to lead to a stellar finish. The following eight steps will help guide you in the right direction.

1) Dream Big

Think about what you want adding on to your home to accomplish? Are you looking for more dining space, a new outdoor entertaining are such as a porch or deck or are you adding on to your home because of a new addition to your family? Rank the goals that you are looking to achieve and once you see the things that are a priority to you it might become clear that adding on a deck or adding on a porch for outdoor entertaining is more important that junior sharing his room with a new sibling. It is nice to figure this out before the renovations begin.

2) Follow Local Rules

It is important that in adding on to a house that you pull the proper permits for any and all projects that you are doing. The last thing you need is to start and have an outside wall torn off your home and local inspectors that put a halt to your project for improper permits.

3) Be Open To Change

What I mean by be open to change is thinking outside of what is already around you. Just because a sink or tub is in a certain position now does not mean it has to stay there. Often you can make big changes to the layout of a room with just tinkering where the stationary items are placed. Doors and window placement can also be changed which adds a dramatic difference to many home additions.

4) Expand Efficiently

This is a very simple concept. Sometimes we have space that is usable staring at us and we don't even realize it. We had a closet in our dining room that really was not suitable for use except for storage. We stored the items that were in there in the attic and revamped the space so that we could sufficiently add a hutch without using any of the important dining space.

5) Add Angles To Add Interest

If you are living in a square the outside can be spruced up by บ้านมือสอง กรุงเทพ adding dimension with angles. Your home does not need to be kept square. If you are looking at adding on a deck add dimension to your home by adding levels and more complex angles and lines.

6) Consistency Is Key

It is important to use materials that are as close as originally used on an addition. If you cannot find siding that matches exactly or find something that compliments the new addition. You don't want it to look like an add-on. Any addition to your home should enhance your home and blend to the point that it is not obvious anything has been done.

7) Landscape That Makes Sense

Make sure you take into account the outside when adding on to a house. It definitely does not make sense to create a space in which you have to destroy half your yard to put it in place. For instance it does not make sense to add on extra windows if you have established trees blocking the light the windows were supposed to expose.

8) Keep Things In Proportion

This is a big one. Adding on to your home is about making more space however don't build a 2300 square foot addition to a one car garage without thought of also expanding that. Things need to stay relative to one another in your homes addition.

There is a lot to think about when going into any home improvement project but even more so when adding on to a house. Plan the best you can, be as prepared as possible but hold on because there will be some rough roads along the way of any home renovation. That is my only guarantee.